Working Fire on Greenbelt Drive, Sadsbury Township
March 23, 2025

Sunday brought a working fire for area volunteers. The Sadsburyville Fire Company and mutual aid from Keystone Valley, Westwood and Wagontown were dispatched at 15:46 to the 200 block of Greenbelt Drive in Sadsbury Township for a barn on fire.

Rescue 31 arrived first due at 15:53 to find a large shed fully involved with flames. Firefighters placed two hose lines in service and extinguished the fire.

Units from Westwood and Keystone Valley were next due and provided additional resources with manpower and water.

Deputy 31 had the Greenbelt Drive command and placed the fire under control at 16:00 hours with all hands working. Initially a working fire dispatch and tanker task force was requested, but the incident was scaled back to Stations 31, 44 and 08.

Units: Engine 31, Rescue 31, Traffic 31, Deputy 31
Mutual Aid: Stations 08, 27, 35, 37, 44, L49, L52, FM100, FM37